Re: [MV] Thanks to our Allied Listers !

From: Gene Pantano (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 07:31:08 PDT

My only note on the Twin Towers is this..
since the United States came out on top in the Revolutionary War..and became
a "power"..."we" have helped every country on earth when they had a
"situation" that was a threat to their freedom or a threat to the lives and
health of their nation's people. Even "GD animals on other foreign soils
have been helped..!! Now...and in the past...NO ONE...has ever helped this
country !! We should not have to go looking for the leaders of the
terrorists...the lousy country where the terrorists come from should do that
and then publicly hang the goons..slowly... will never happen..Those
countries hate this country..they only want the monies we give and the aid
we furnish "free"...
Only one country has paid back it's WW2 debts..(possibly 2) !! The rest just
don't care..!!
We have to settle this quickly and to the last man standing that is
suspected of this act. Take no prisoners...and hang the trials
either.. Nurenberg served no purpose in my was a gross waste of
time..and not to mention a great waste of resources and personnel.. keeping
"1" man in prison the way they did was a crime in itself.
This situation demands immediate response..not like Nurenberg...and that is
not happening...Bush is scared to death and not the leader I had hoped he
would be..the clock is ticking...where are the terrorists now ?? Bin Laden
where are you ?? I am disappointed in the timing here..!! Gene

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