RE: [MVlist] M38 brakes

From: Rikk Rogers (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 15:57:43 PDT

Ram & Robert, & whom ever else wants to jump in.

I did get em apart and the drum off.
Yep 3 screws.
Front brakes BTW.
The problem is this>
The front brakes lock up, if I light foot em, I can drive with no problem.
If I hard foot a stop, it takes time to release.
if doing a check out on this, I find I can release em with the bleeder valve
in one side.

What is this one likely to be, and how do I fix it?

Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
-M35A2- -M38- MVPA -22345-

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Buettner []
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 4:54 PM
To: Rikk Rogers
Subject: Re: [MVlist] M38 brakes


I am going from memory here, but I believe all you
need to do is:

1. Take off wheel (Driver's side lug nuts may be 'left
hand' thread.
2. Get big flat bladed screwdriver and remove the
three screws that hold the drum onto the axle.
3. If necessary, relieve pressure on the pads by
turning the brake pad adjusters in.
4. Remove Drum.

Should be that easy, however if the drum set screws
have 'set,' they may prove difficult to remove. Then
it is time to brake out the Liquid Wrench.

Robert Buettner
ex-M38 Owner
1943 Dodge WC-63

--- Rikk Rogers <> wrote:
> What is the takedown on the brake drum, to get to
> the brakes?
> What tools do I need.
> tia
> Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
> 416 S 4th St
> Ponca City OK. 74601-5335
> (580)762-3157
> -M35A2- -M38- MVPA -22345-

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