M35 Oil filter kits

From: AUTODOC51@aol.com
Date: Sat Oct 27 2001 - 12:10:26 PDT

The oil filters I offered for the M35 are kits with gaskets (3) cotter pins
(2) and filter element. Interested? Make an offer. Email me off site.

4330 00 884 4801 XB35 981 S9C AKT REPAIR KT,OIL FLTR 7
  $65.87 9D 40A033A006A IAD Z003NV 1201 4895
  9 1B +ITEM RECORD IRC 99263 13 01201 00880
01099 U A 00000

BILL L Autodoc51@aol.com (Dodgeum)

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