[MV] How to post using aol 6... the answer

From: Mitchl21@aol.com
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 08:42:41 PST

Hello fellow aol 6 users, here is the secret to posting to the MV list.

Don't use your normal aol 6 email system, the messages just bounce back undeleivered as you will have found if you have already attempted to post to the list.

Instead... go to www.aol.com

click on the mail button

this will take you to the AOLMail sign-in page

Log in with your screen name and password then enter

enter again to confirm.

Then send the email message as normal, you will find that the message is posted to the list OK.

Once your message is posted, any replies you get from members can be replied to as normal.

You only have to go through this carry on for original posts to the list.

Don't ask me why this works I don't know... all I know is it works, thank god!!!!!!.

That's exactly what I've just done to post this message.

So have a go yourselves and lets see all the messages from new aol 6 users on the list.

Hope everyone has a happy new year.

Cheers...... Mitch (In London)

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