Dangerous military surplus-PEWS

From: JaxInCalifornia@aol.com
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 08:16:44 PST

This is no way a reflection on your intentions Buzz, I'm sure you had no idea of this device's dangerous potential in the drug world. But, maybe this is worth mentioning for future consideration.

A few years ago I was with a law enforcement raid team and we encountered one of the early warning systems in the hills where we have a lot of drug trouble. In this case it allowed the bad guys to escape from a crank lab with some of their product, but it could have just as easily been to arm themselves (we did find weapons on scene). If they had stayed around to make a fight of it no doubt some people would be dead now. Around this part of Northern California and in many rural areas of the US, the marijuana growers and people operating clandestine drug labs are desperate for this kind of equipment and pay top dollar.

This is exactly the kind of equipment used as the "bad example" when debating surplus sales to civilians. Results in the big net being cast that affects our hobby like we saw in the recent vehicle and parts embargo in the US. Like I said Buzz, no reflection on you personally, just food for thought.

Before you guys flame me, I know almost anything could be used for criminal intent and it gets back to the old NRA argument about making a vase illegal just cause it was used in a crime. But, the reality is an early warning perimeter alarm makes some specialized cops with highly dangerous missions real uneasy and I for one sure hate to see them sold to an persons unknown on Ebay.

Jack Lee

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