M1009 at auction in MS

From: Jasper Welsch (cucvman@jam.rr.com)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 18:01:05 PDT

The CUCVs at the MS Office of Surplus Property did not sell. At the last
minute, they threw a minimum of $3500 and $4000 on them. Needless to say,
nobody bid.
OSP bought these trucks last year from the GSA at a public auction. If you
buy something at a public auction, you should not expect to sell it for more
at a smaller public auction a year later. OSP hoped that a public agency
would buy them, but nobody is interested.
The trucks don't eat, so I guess OSP will keep them. There have been two
M548 tracked carriers out there for years.

Jasper Welsch at Home
1984 M1009 CUCV

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