Re: [MV] Painting the white lettering on Commo gear

From: IHC53 (
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 06:04:31 PDT

A China Marker, aka..."Grease Pencil". Works great
on firearms. I cant see a reason why it wouldnt work
on stamped lettering.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Castagno" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 8:52 AM
Subject: [MV] Painting the white lettering on Commo gear

> Hello List,
> I'm getting ready to paint some radio gear it has raised white
> lettering... I've heard various stories about after painting it all
> green smear the radio with petroleum jelly and then clean the raised
> letters and paint the raised markings white... Could someone describe
> this better? Like if someone has done this, could you describe it in
> more detail or if you have a better way lets hear it. I know on the
> light switch with raised lettering you can paint it and then lightly
> sand the paint off with emory cloth, I didn't realize it until someone
> pointed it out to me but I had a NOS light switch and always thought the
> letters were painted but if you look closely its just the bare metal (at
> least on mine which is NOS) But how about things like my RT 524 with
> the recessed markings that are painted white, kind of the opposite of
> the 1080 unit I was talking about earlier? What are the tips and tricks
> from those who have been there before? Thanks for all your help.
> Tony Castagno
> Managing Partner
> Enterprise Architect
> Vertical Thought, LLC
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