Re: [G104] Re: Sherman DD recovery in Italy

From: Hanno Spoelstra (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 08:21:37 PDT

At 02:38 PM 5/21/2002 +0200, Raimondo L. Torelli wrote:
>Thanks for the info! The 8th DD Sherman has already been transported to
>the Museum near Latina (about Anzio area). This Museum has been founded by
>a former tankman. They already have a running Sherman, which has been used
>for the movies "The Life is Beautiful" and "The British (or English?)
>The recovered DD Sherman will be disassembled, cleaned and restored.
>I have not yet had the possibility to visit the Museum but I plan to go
>there sometime in the future.
>A video has been shot during the recovery for the National Geographic.


Nice to hear the Sherman M4A1 DD will remain in Italy. If you ever get a
chance to photograph this rare tank, please let us know.

See some shots from the National Geographic video here:

Best regards,
Hanno Spoelstra

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