Parts and Stuff

Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 05:31:18 PDT

I still have a few new Wix filters for the M series trucks...These are metal
clad, not just paper wrapped and are premium "big truck" stuff.. Have
primary, secondary, and final for the Deuce Multifuel, Secondary and final
for 5 ton Multifuel, Oil filters for all Multifuel and Mil Std Jr. oil
filter for the M38, M38A1, and later MB GPW and M37 among others. Each
filter is 7$ and Postage is cheap cuz they are light. I have two M35A2s
coming in soon and may part them out. Depends on how much the cannibals have
left on the time the end use certificates are approved. Still have
some Budd Bars and Interior Rear View Mirrors and MB and GPW wheel nut
wrenches ... Can bring to Portland CT next week or to Weare, NH or good old
mail... Kind of enjoying the Judging thread as it seems to go around every
ten years or so. We gave up formal judging here in the NorthEast and just
have a Ladies Choice and a Best of Show by ballot by "civilian" attendees...

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