Van Norman Boring bar

From: John Souza (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 06:51:34 PDT

I need to re-bore several engines (Scout Car, GMC, and Jeep) So, I
ended up purchasing a used boring bar, Van Norman 944S at an auction.
Seems like all the high schools around here are dumping all shop ( wood,
metal, auto) equipment as fast as they can. This boring bar is somewhat
similar but a little different than the Rottler boring bar that I used
in college a few years ago. Does anyone happen to have a manual??? Or
a manual for a Black & Decker 11/16" Super Service Valve Refacing
machine? I would even love to get a copy if someone didn't want to part
with the original manual.


John Souza
MVPA #2697
Fresno, CA

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