Re: [MV] Pinz vs. Valp thread... It's War!

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 19:00:09 PDT

Hi Jack,

>OK, so it's really not as bad as I expected and the parts are in Ark.!? I
>didn't think they allowed those hoyty-toyty alien vehicles south of the
>Mason-Dixon line!

I think it is a covert op :-)

>Next. Steve, I think your test of "logic" was a bit over the top,

Seriously though, if concern about reliability is the driving force
behind vehicle purchases, the best thing to do is buy a new vehicle. If
anything craps out on you (and it shouldn't, haha) it will be under warrantee

>but other
>than that, you made some good points about the reliability issue, although I
>would counter that the Volvo engine is every bit as reliable as the Pinz.

Oh, I wasn't saying the Valp is *less* reliable, just that I don't think
there is a reason to be afraid of the Pinz losing an engine just because
you can't go down to the junk yard and pull one out for $250.

>Although I originally didn't really intend for this to a Valp vs. Pinz kind
>of thing, I just was just commenting about the anxiety factor or owning
>something expensive and exotic.

It all depends on what is defined as "expensive" or "exotic". Something
like a Suburban is "expensive" (stupidly expensive!). Something like a
Triumph TR-5 isn't very expensive, but it is "exotic". An early Jag is
both "expensive" and "exotic". The Pinz, for what it can do, is not
expensive compared to other vehicles of its type (not age though) and
outclasses any commercial vehicle in terms of offroad performance. Most
parts can be got at NAPA, others have to come from dealers. I bet the
same is true for the owner of a 1960s Volvo that is parked in front of my
mechanic's garrage at the moment.

>But, now that we're here, I have to admit I
>would love to see an off road race between Valps and the best Pinz' using
>crazy some Swedes vs. the best Swiss drivers. Ever see a Swedish off road
>race? Those guys are fearless... and good!

Well, the Swiss drink as much as the Sweds do, plus they are hopped up on
chocholate all the time as well. They also live in a country that is
really oddly angled. So I'd put my money on the Swiss :-)

>But, I would really like it I
>could have a safe seat near some hairpin turn where there is lots of soft,
>loose dirt ( you know where I am going don't you? lol) and lets just see how
>the Pinz transaxle work! lol I remember the fun of the transaxle tucking
>under on some other models, but maybe Pinz is better?

I do know that the Pinz axles are built very, very tough. But one must
ask oneself... why on Earth would anybody care what either vehicle can do
in those situations since it is not likely to happen by accident unless
the driver is dumb or really dumb :-)

>I betcha
>those Pinzies roll real nice too... another good feature, eh? lol

I wouldn't know :-) I do know that I can drive over 12" high stumps
while crossing uneven terrain and not worry about a thing :-) Hell, I
even took out a 14" high stump by accident. BUMP, THUMP... what was
that? Oh, that semi rotted stump must have been taller than I thought.
 Nicked some paint though :-)

>One thing I have to admit, you got me on top speed. However, those old
>Volvo's are cheap and easy to pump up...he he he, so ya never know! What is
>winding out tight at 55 mph today could be a blinding 57 or 58 mph.

The fastest I have gone is about 65mph. That is plenty fast for me,
especially because I don't drive it anywhere that doesn't have a posted
speed limit above 45 :-)

>All kidding aside, I enjoyed your comments... now, anyone else dare venture
>an opinion about which is the better vehicle? I can hear it coming already,
>"They both suck and my flat fender, slat grill is...
>... " lol

Hehe... I am waiting to hear how easily a Deuce could flatting both, at
the same time, without stopping :-)

In all seriousness though, when I first saw your Valp I thought... damn,
that would be a fun one to own. My wife, who insisted we buy the Pinz in
the first place ('tis true!) saw it and said it was "cute" and asked if
we could perhaps get one (she was 1/2 kidding). I said I wouldn't even
know where to find one for sale. And there is something the Pinz has all
over the Valp, at least for now!


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