Re: [MV] Gore truck

Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 21:09:32 PDT

Yes, these were actually invented by AL Gore, to fill in the time betwen inventing the Internet and holding terrorist hearings. the US Open bought the entire remaining stock of these on speculation.
Well, er, OK, so the above is a bit skewed. The name of the beast is actually Goer, (Go-er, get it?) and it was just another idea, like gamma goats, blivets, and yellow headlights, that never flew. The one in the photo looks pretty complete and sound, but before you buy it, be aware that there are no NAPA equivalents for any of the parts.

In a message dated Sun, 8 Sep 2002 12:00:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, opcom <> writes:

>This monster has been for sale for a while. Never seen one in use by the
>military. Any idea what it was for?
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