Re: [MV] Welding References Sought (long post)

From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 09:34:22 PST

THANK YOU to the list. The responses were great. And informative. one year
I hope to be able to put my web site up with a section for MV stuff... I've
been saving answers in the hope of creating a local searchable MV resource
( presuming the list owner here does not object ). This thread definitely
belongs in there.
FYI, I did get a response from a lister out west who has ( apparently ) a
VERY large collection of new and older manuals..on welding, on cranes, fork
loaders, whatever... some date back to the time that my deuce was built.
The prices did not seem unreasonable and IMSHO manuals made 50 years ago
are far superior to most made today as long as the basic information has
not drastically changed. if anybody would like his web site URL ( have it
at home ) please let me know.

Thanks again.


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