Re: [MV] M113s in Iraq

From: Liberty Krueger (
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 11:33:29 PDT

That's true with most radar systems, but the synthetic aperture radar
doesn't have the same limitations of other radar systems. Synthetic aperture
radar is able to resolve very precise details. The "images" that the
synthetic aperture radar generates are fed into computers that "recognize"
the traps greatly reducing the need to switch to spot mode to manualy
"query" individual vehicles.

> A retroreflector would consist of an array of right angle corners. The
> properties of such retroreflectors are such that they will bounce a plane
> of very small wavelength off of two and likely three sides, then returning
> directly back from where it came. The louvers will reflect back into the
> plane, but not necessarily in the same line. Probably better than nothing,
> though. Way easier to fabricate in the field, too. Jim

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