Looking for M35A2 Troop Seats in northern California...

From: Jim Newton (jnewton@laurel.com)
Date: Sun May 18 2003 - 19:23:52 PDT

Hi List...

I am installing an extra set of benches in the center of the bed of my
deuce using the instructions in TB 9-2320-209-30/4.

I need these for troop transport for our combat re-enactment events,
as well as numerous Cub Scout outings this summer.

Does anyone in northern California have 3 troop seat assemblies for an
M35A2 for sale? I need 2 for the project and one for spare parts.

I want wood slats, not fiberglass.

If you have some troop seat assemblies in Northern California at a
good price, please contact me off-list.

Thank you!


Jim "Ike" Newton

o 1984 M1007 CUCV Military Suburban 6.2 Liter (378 CID) Turbo-Diesel Engine 5/4 Ton Cargo Capacity, 4WD

o 1971 M35A2 Military Troop/Cargo Truck "Deuce and a Half" 478 CID Turbo-Diesel Multi-Fuel Engine Air Shift Front Axle 2 1/2 Ton Cargo Capacity, 6WD

See These Trucks at www.CUCV.NET Keyword Searching of 22,000 Electronic TMs at www.MILDOCS.com

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