Re: [MV] M35 air buzzer

From: Marc Strangfeld (
Date: Sun May 18 2003 - 22:09:17 PDT

--- GOTAM35 <> wrote:
> ...Which brings me to another point. Do we have to
> stop at weigh stations? I
> think legally a 3 axle truck should, but I never do
> and I am tired of
> watching my mirror for the law after I pass one.
> Joe Trapp

I am planning a trip to Colorado this summer with my
M35 loaded to the hilt with ATVs and 35 foot camper in
tow and wanted to cover all my bases legally before
getting too far into it. SO, I called the local DOT
office (Wisconsin) and wasted far too much of my time.
 I found the best sorce of information is to call a
weigh station. These are the guys you are dealing
with. I also called weigh stations in Minnestota,
Iowa, Missuri, Kansas, and lastly Colorado. The main
coment was if I was STRICTLY noncommercial I had
nothing to worry about but it didn't hurt to stop
anyway. I'm guessing they didn't really trust my
circumstances as I explained them and wanted me to
still stop to "make sure". Every state has their own
little details/quidelines (apparently) Iowa said
stopping is mandatory. I even had a lengthy
conversation with a trooper in Kansas. He was a
veteran and couldn't in is right mind think why I
would do such a thing in a "Duece". He said he hoped
he was at the window when I came though to see if I
make it that far. Suprisingly the only sticking point
was my home state. That may be a personality clash.
Don't argue with these guys it doesn't pay. Besides I
know where the scales are and I'm not that far from
the border.
All said and done, I spent about 2 hours on the phone
and learned the same thing my retired truck driver
neighbor told me..."Don't worry they'll come after you
if they wanted you to stop."

Hope this helps.


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