M37 generator problem. Do I need to repolarize after disconnecting battery?

From: J (W7LS@blarg.net)
Date: Sun Jun 22 2003 - 20:06:03 PDT

    I'm working on a M43 ambulance, which is pretty much the same as a
M37. It won't charge the batteries now, for some reason. There is no
voltage on the field or armature wires. I have a test kit (some short
breakout wire cables) and found this by touching a 24v test light to
each terminal. I have 24v entering the regulator, which is the newer
style, all solid state unit. The generator itself seems to be fine,
because it passes the 'motor test', where you put 24v on both the field
and armature, and it spins up, just like a DC motor, which it actually
is. This is not an alternator.
    I read several places that generators (not alternators) need to be
repolarized after you reconnect them. I searched for "polarizing a
generator" on GOOGLE and found these references. Click on
for the story.
    I made up a jumper and hit the armature with 24v for a fraction of a
second as recommended. It still does not put out current. It could be
the voltage regulator itself, but I'm trying to do whatever tests I
can, first.
    Any ideas out there from those that have been in this position?
 Thanks. Jim

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