military radios threatened by the FCC

From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 21:45:46 PDT

Whether you are a ham radio operator, a shortwave listener, or a
military radio collector with radios in your MV (content),
this will negatively affect our hobby if not
opposed. The question is, do you have a military radio which uses AM
as its mode? It won't stop there, next will be your wideband FM gear
such as the RT-68, and PRC-77.

If this is of no interest, I apologize. If it seems of merit, please
act. Print the item below and distribute it to like-minded persons. I
left a stack at a local surplus store for instance.

Patrick Jankowiak
Sunair GSB-900DX
Racal TRA-967
several of which reside in my M35A2.

HAM RADIO AM bandwidth limitations threatened!


Please go to the FCC website and tell them not to impost statutory
limitations on the bandwidth of an AM ham radio signal. 5.6KHz is just
too narrow. 6KHz or 8 would be better, but is there really any reason
to make it a rule? The AM community uses little space and polices

The situation arises from the complaint of two SSB users. Will we
allow two disgruntled individuals to dictate to all of the radio

The FCC has assigned an RM number, RM-10740, to the petition that
seeks to ban high-fidelity SSB, and to cripple AM below 28 MHz with a
5.6 kHz bandwidth limit. Comments may be filed through the ECFS page
on the FCC Web site.

Here is the URL to the FCC ECFS search page:

To view the bandwidth petition, type RM-10740 in the PROCEEDING
window. Then go to the DOCUMENT TYPE window, scroll through the
pull-down menu, and select PU, for Petition for rUlemaking. Click on
the RETRIEVE DOCUMENT LIST button. You should see some information on
the petition, the two clowns who filed it in May, and a link for
viewing the document. When you click on the
link, you will see the petition as a .pdf file.

To view the comments that have been filed, type RM-10740 in the
PROCEEDING window, then select CO (for COmment) from the pull-down
menu in the DOCUMENT TYPE window. After clicking on the RETRIEVE
DOCUMENT LIST button, you will see a list of all comments filed to
date. To view them, click on the link at the bottom of each listing.

Here is the URL for electronically filing comments.

When you click the URL, you will be taken to a cover sheet. Enter
RM-10740 in the PROCEEDING window, fill out the other blanks as
directed, then type your comments. As an alternative to typing your
comments directly on this page, you may write them as a Microsoft Word
document, using the standard formatting for legal documents, then you
may upload your Word document.

Do not use macros in the Word document. Since macros are popular
places for planting viruses, the FCC software will automatically
discard documents that contain macros. Text is best.

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