"disappearing" brake fluid

From: Kirk Thompson (kpt@lanl.gov)
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 14:23:50 PDT

Hi All.

First, I would like to thank all of you who have posted responses to my
previous questions. Your help has been a real lifesaver. Thank you.


I have a leak somewhere in my brake system. The Master cylinder is empty
but I can't find where it is leaking. I just replaced the rear-forward axle
seals and when torn down, I inspected the brake cylinders on both sides and
they where clean and showed no signs of leakage. All other wheels show no
brake fluid on rims, brake drums, etc. I have traced lines and have seen no
[obvious] leaks.


Other questions: In the manuals, there is no coverage on the
theory/operation of air-assist hydraulic brakes. How exactly does this
system work? What does the little tube that goes into the top of the master
cylinder do? Why did the designers put the master cylinder in such a
crappy, barely accessible place and make it so hard to fill?, etc.



Kirk Thompson
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