FS: M1008 CUCV, M101A2 trailer

From: GrimJeeper22@aol.com
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 06:57:37 PDT

I have a nice CUCV truck and M101A2 trailer for sale near Charlotte, NC.
- The M1008 truck is an ex-NCANG truck so it appears to have had an easy life
in its 45K mis. Runs great, no rust, no major dents, "new" doors, fresh "383"
green paint, good tires, has troop seats, bows, and cargo cover. $5500 OBO.
- The M101A2 trailer is also nice and clean. Has the 8-lug wheels, surge
brake, and heavier frame, good 3-color camo, no rust (box is galvanized!).
Includes a complete set of racks and bows. $750 OBO.
Pics are available. BUY BOTH FOR $6000!!!
T Casey

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