Re: [MV] SA-18 GAM

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 23:50:00 PDT

>Denegration to dehumanize. Might I point out that there are lots of
>"RAG HEADS" that are loyal and productive members of our society and
>nation? Or don't you recall the lessons of WWII and the Yellow Peril?

Probably doesn't know what you are talking about, but nice try ;-)

And if one looks at history empirically, the US and Europe has done FAR
more harm to Muslims than they have ever done to us. Why do you think
the region, as a whole, traditionally distrusts and even hates Westerners
so much? Because we have always been jolly good buddies with them?

Terrorism is not to be condoned, excused, or tolerated. But to confuse
extremists with the average Habib on the Arab street... that is just as
bad. That's the sort of wonderfully ill informed and inaccurate attitude
that gets us into trouble, not out of it.

Calling American's "bastards" is certainly not specific to Muslims or
Middle Easterners. Large chunks of Europe, both Americas, Aisa,
Australia/NZ, and Africa also think Americans are "bastards" too. Heck,
I bet there are even some in Antarctica that think Americans are
"bastards" too :-)


P.S. The three individuals in question... they were in it for the money
and bragging rights, not political motivations. Anything else, if
anything, was a bonus in their eyes. They'd just as soon sell weapons to
illegal Israeli settlers if the price was right. Probably even call the
Arabs "bastards" too. I'd put a large wager on it.

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