(no subject)

From: gentas (gentas@gentas.com)
Date: Sat Oct 11 2003 - 06:59:33 PDT

Referring to struggle in Iraq by the NY Times today 031011

It is to be very sorry to the soldiers in duty and their families.
It does not be a question if the Bush Administration was right (I believe
in regards to the Murderers around Saddam it was right) or wrong (because
some of Mr. Bushs friend were only after the business)to go into Iraq.
Now the case is fact , now they have the duty to secure that country,
even with the rules of an invador, secure the people of the country as well
as the Soldiers on duty and prevent those innocent people from the
attacs of obviously hazardous and ciminal , hand ful of people, who want to
achieve the same than Saddam clan. Nobody with a bit of brain can be so
stupid to allow the other side of criminals, even if they pretend to be
islamist to use power, if theoretical praying or shooting or useing
weapons. The rule now has to come from America ,right or wrong, but it has
to be done. Nobody shall be allowed to shant or shoot
and have any weapon in his hand, except for the Forces and designated
keepers of the peace (Police and Iraqui soldiers). This has to be for
minimum 5 years or longer to be controlled and religious shanters have to
be imprisoned on spot immediately as well as bearers of unauthorised
weapons either may be arrested or even executed according to military war
rule if neccessary. Off course the Forces have to secure the innocent
population from the possibility of beeing harrassed and terrorised by the
religious criminals (they are criminals and nothing else, if they use
weapons and if they are shanting and praying haterate). America has to
stand up now and take the responsibility, who ever is against. Certainly
the other so called democratic countries should support in the right and
protective way. This handful of uprisers by misusing the religion to put
the coat of right over their deads must be eliminated quick ,either sent
back to Iran or put into proper jails ( get them to work hard and think
about their sins), otherwise America will loose the best of what it has,
their young and inncocent people, as well haterate against America will
grow and struggle will keep on. Further the Iranian population must be
freed not only from the Saddam clan but as well from any other,
undemocratic rulership , what ever colour it looks like. Religion in the
open should be forbidden for many years, let them pray in their mosques
(but no hate rate, as it is nothing else then Saddam). No new Saddam
for Allah and Gods sake. No dead American soldiers and innocent Iraquis.

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