Off topic want-ad

From: m35products (
Date: Sat Nov 22 2003 - 20:05:55 PST

I wish to buy a New York State license plate (singular) for the year 1953,
with a 1954 metal corner tag. If you live in NY State and are over 50 years
old, you will understand what I need. (For those unfortunate to be from one
of those "other" states, or fortunate to be under 50, the explanation is:
for certain years in the 50's, N Y State saved metal by issuing one plate
rather than two, and saved further, by issuing just a little (2 inch square)
metal tag with the embossed year, to be bolted to the corner of the previous
year's plate)

I would like a commercial plate, but a passenger car plate will be OK. I
have tried E-Pay, Goooogle, Hemmings, collectors' sites, etc. to no avail.
I want to put it on my new toy, the '54 Power Wagon. Maybe one of you kind
folks in upstate NY have one nailed to the barn, or bolted to an old truck
out in the wood lot?

Cash and my undying gratitude await.

Thank you,

Arthur P. Bloom

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