RE: [MV] Homeland Security Needs Your Help

From: William Taylor (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 03:57:41 PDT

> At 6:43 PM -0400 5/10/04, William Taylor wrote:
> >
> >Perhaps I'm being a bit sensitive, being a cousin to those
> "jack booted
> >thugs" but let me suggest that your country try being less
> of a home
> >to the terrorist and more of a partner in this anti
> terrorism business.
> >One of the
> Bill, the proper response of the custom officials
> would be to NOT touch someone else's gear and to
> ask as to it's function.

Agreed and if these guys acted as described they should
have a complaint filed. Their OIG office will review it
and either spank them or educate them. Either way, the
only good yelling on this list does is to make the writer
feel a bit better, demean some people who may or may
not have done something wrong and to cause me to want
to defend them because they're not on the list to do it

> And a stolen CUCV is going to what that a
> civilian SUV can't? Same thing for the Radios.
> Hell, Cell phones would have longer range and be
> more inconspicuous.

I'll bet that many of the CUCV's owned by the folks
could if operated by a guy in BDU's get directly
onto a base without a sidelong glance. The military
radio thing is stupid. The encryption on my motorola
GMRS radios is better than the old radios.

> I've been reported as a possibly terrorist
> driving my ferret around. (Right, Union Jack
> Flag, flashing orange beacon...real
> inconspicuous...) No cops save one have had a
> problem with it. He started sputtering when I
> showed the license plate and then got distracted
> with a domestic dispute as something of a more
> real problem.

I'm a badge collector, have the first badge I was
ever issued and have had long arguments with FBI
agents who think that badge collecting SHOULD
be illegal. No one should have any badges they
think. I don't care what they think or wish
to be illegal, the fact is the code and for my
military badges the CFR says I can have them. There
are some folks who have an inflated view of their
self importance and authority and they should have
their butts spanked. But to call people doing a
thankless job, who are doing something most on this
list would not take the pay cut to do, rottweilers
and jack boot wearers pissed me off. Particularly
when the country represented by the name caller
is doing such a piss poor job with it's own
border security.


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