M37 Brake Line Kits and Shocks

From: Ron (rojoha@comcast.net)
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 12:07:57 PDT

All you M37 owners who have bought "complete" brake line kits from various
    Who did you buy from and were you happy with what you got? Were your
lines spiral "armored" wrapped?

    I have also been told that there is/are a shock absorber(s) that are
used on Blue Bird busses that are superior to the NOS Mil Standard ones and
are available at truck supply stores. They run around $30 apiece and give a
ride like a caddy designed by the Stay Puff Marshmallow man. Anyone heard
about this or know the numbers or the years of the Blue Bird Bus this dude
would have been referring to?

Ron (zo)

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