Humvee differential leak

From: Darrell Ramsell (
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 23:29:13 PDT


I took my Humvee in to the local Hummer dealership to replace a leaking
front differential. They quoted me $240 buck to replace it. They later
called me in to tell me that gear oil was all over the brake pad and that
the brake pad is contaminated because it has absorbed the gear oil and may
not funtion properly any more. On top of that they told me the rotors need
to be resurfaced too.

Now I'm not much of a car mechanice but I know enough about what is a good
rotors is and mines look just fine but I'm not sure about the brake story.
My question to you all, is the mechanic being straight about the brake pads
needing to be replace because it's contaminated with oil or he was he just
trying to blow smoke up my ass?

By the way, the price tag to do all this $1,400. (They're smoking crack if
you ask me). After I told them no way, they said they might be able to clean
the pad with degreaser.

Also, the break pads look pretty thick & new.


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