Hauling IN an M35

From: everette (194cbteng@bellsouth.net)
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 19:35:56 PDT

I saw an M35 that owner had welded two plates of steel about foot square in
front corners of bed and then to them welded grab hook for chain. At back
of bed underneath he put two more pieces of steel with keyhole shaped slot
in them and in bed. Hooks chain at front as close as he can, drops rear
chain through hole turns chain such that catches in narrow part of slot,
puts load binder in rear to tighten and this also tightens front if hauling
wheeled vehicle. If hauling cargo puts load binders on both ends. He said
would have put hooks at back but was afraid someone would stumble over them
and do header out back of truck..


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