Importing U.S. vehicles from Europe

From: everette (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 11:53:01 PDT

A friend of mine was in Norway few years back and purchased about 20 WWII
vehicles and shipped them here in containers, Other than damage done by
stacking one WC51 on top of another, destroying perfect wood rails in bed,
and not securing a CCKW - and theft of most of the spare parts he bought,
everything went ok.

He also purchased a trailer mounted US anti-aircraft 40mm rifle, I do not
remember all the trouble it caused but he was threatened with confiscation
of the gun, and he had to post bond to store it in his shop, he had to pay a
gunsmith to come to his shop and cut breech to render piece non firing. He
had no choice in gunsmith and BATF brought one to west Tenn. from Washington
to do job and my friend had to pay the bill. I think BATF confiscated piece
that was cut out.

Supposedly this was all done because this weapon is capable of automatic


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