HELP - Self Priming ??? M38A1 DualAction Fuel Pump

From: Thomas M McHugh (
Date: Thu Sep 02 2004 - 11:18:35 PDT

A reply from Doug Stober, asked a few questions & here are the answers.

It ran fine up until last week.

The line from the fuel pump has been blown out & it was clear. The fuel
pump was rebuilt with all new parts & diaphragms.
The flex line from the gas inlet line to the fuel pump was replaced with a
new line. The gas tank is only 4 years old. When I took out the fuel
filter & cut the filter element off the line, I used a new gasket. At that
time I also siphoned out any sediment in the fuel tank, although it had very

HELP - need more hints & troubleshooting ideas.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas M McHugh" <>
Cc: "ZMTA LIST" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 1:29 PM
Subject: HELP - Self Priming ??? M38A1 DualAction Fuel Pump

> OK learned list, how about some help.

> Prior to stalling out, I had trouble accelerating to top speed, it seemed
> be starving. It seemed to run better with less throttle. Towing it at
> speed suddenly caused it to start, with a pop, & then ran for a while &
> slowly died out. Now it will not run.
> The Fuel pump was rebuilt last driving season & the Carb was rebuilt last
> spring. Plugs are new, Points, Condenser & Rotor check out OK.
> I tried putting on an inline fuel filter & cut the old in tank fuel filter
> off. It now is a straight open gas line out of the tank.
> I do not seem to be getting fuel & using the priming lever does not draw
> fuel. I have a hose into a jug off of the fuel pump to carb line, have
> cranked it a lot, without fuel flowing.
> Should the priming lever draw fuel into the empty gas line in the gas tank
> ???
> NOW: What should I do before I remove the fuel pump & look for a problem
> ???
> As always, any & all help is appreciated.
> Tom McHugh, NJ
> 1952 M38A1
> M-416 Trailer
> New Jersey State Commander
> Korean War Veterans Association
> "Always looking for Korean Vets to join the KWVA"
> If you served during the Korean War
> OR
> Served in Korea since the war, join the KWVA now.

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