Re: [MV] M880 hard to start

From: noel shelley (
Date: Sun Oct 10 2004 - 15:15:53 PDT

Hi Bob .
             Could be many things ! Does it start ok when cold ? If so then
I would start down the fuel route ! 25 + year old carb will be worn on
throttle spindles , Gaskets will have gone hard Etc .Try a squirt of gas in
the top of carb when hot , does it start up now ? if yes then look for air
leaks , could be caused by expansion , carb flange not flat Etc OR fuel
vaporising whilst standing and punp loosing grip on fuel due to poor valves
. The fuel pump will no doubt be worn and nolonger in the first flush of
youth . Check the pump suction and pressure when hot ! Find an electric
pump off a carb equipped vehicle ,almost any will do, put in fuel line and
try it , DO NOT use a pump off a fuel injected engine !
IF squrt in top doesnt help , then start to check ignition ,Points , plugs ,
timing , coil , condenser when hot. IF electronic check what you can , but
especially the plug leads , with a resistance meter , should read 12-30 K
ohms , if much higher then replace .

                   Try this lot for a start Best Wishes Noel

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