M8 / M20 GROUP

From: JEFF HAIN-MATSON (flmv@flmv.net)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2005 - 07:41:59 PST

Several people have expressed an interest in a group for the M8/M20 armored
cars, so here we go!!!


The G136 M8 / G176 M20 ARMORED CAR GROUP is dedicated to the Ford built
armored cars (M8 OR M20 GREYHOUND) of WWII fame. In this forum, we can
discuss all related topics on those vehicles, such as: WWII and postwar
user countries, displays in museums or collections, locations of monuments,
and vehicles in scrap yards or on shooting ranges. Most importantly we can
share information of restorations, and pass on tips and hints to keep our
“GREYHOUNDS” running!!

Please feel free to spread the word to anybody else you feel would be


FRONT LINE MILITARY VEHICLES      WEB SITE:  http://www.flmv.net/
717-252-4489 VOICE
717-252-4499 FAX
flmv@flmv.net    E-MAIL
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IMPS #1726
MVT #9362

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