Dodge 251 parts for sale

From: Jim (
Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 22:06:53 PST

 My friend has a NOS camshaft & head for a 251 Flathead Dodge engine. They are both still in the original cosmoline.
The dimensions for the head are:25 1/4" x7 1/4" The casting number is:1327235
The Length of the camshaft is:25 1/4" the number stamped in it is:864241
 He's asking 125.00 for the pair of parts or offer. Located in Minnesota.
 His phone number is:952-925-3595 Home,evenings, ask for Ken. At work he can be reached at 1-800-328-4460, again, ask for Ken.
 I have no interest in these items, just hoping they find a good home.

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