From: MV (
Date: Sun Mar 27 2005 - 20:01:00 PST

Meat Pie...

Sounds something like an American Pasty, but perhaps closer to an
American "Pot Pie".


dgrev wrote:
> Chris
>> Bagels follow the American tradition. Cram 5 slices of bread into the
>> smallest portion possible - then load it with cream cheese or butter
>> to stock up on fats and sugars. Although it's a gut bomb deluxe,
>> chased with the largest possible cup of coffee it sometimes serves as
>> a decent breakfast.
>> Now what pray tell is a meat pie?
> Essentially a pastry container with mince steak, gravy and something
> glutinous. Normally eaten straight out of a paper bag, which is a
> bit of an art as the contents will run all over your chin and shirt.
> Much better to eat in a shop with a knife and fork off a plate.
> See here:
> Picture isn't the best but will have to do, description is quite good.
> Meat Pies are an Australian institution. Even the military has had to
> supply them when overseas. Definetly not an MRE item - on site bakery
> needed. They do not respond at all well to being microwaved as they
> go all soggy, for any business to do so is a quick way to go broke.
> Ah, look here too:
> I doubt there is any military base in Australia where you would
> not be able to find a corner store or pub reasonably close by
> serving meat pies.
> Regards
> Doug
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