Re: [MV] {[MV] your papers, please

From: J. Forster (
Date: Wed May 11 2005 - 20:50:14 PDT

Stephen Grammont wrote:

I'm against the misuse. Being against the technology is pointless because there
is no way to stop it. Plus, as stated, there are some benefits that come with

> > And Yes complaining to your senator will have little
> > effect, but a million mosquito bites can kill an
> > elephant, and in any case "little" effect is better
> > than keeping silent which has "zero" effect.

A million mosquitos will never kill an elephant, or make it alter its course,
unless they keep attacking it. Call your senators. NOW!!

> Well, that's what I said when I voted against the current
> administration (twice). Funny to see the same people that were going
> on and on and on about Klinton taking away our civil liberties rush to
> the booths to vote in the people that are ramming this stuff through.
> Why aren't they so vocal now?

Because the Bushites only use these issues further their real agenda.

> Feeling betrayed, guilty, foolish, or what?

There is a mid-term election in a year and a half. If you feel strongly that
your constitutional rights are being trashed by the party in power, go and
actively support the opposition party.


> Guess it will be the Dem's fault in their eyes, even though
> nearly all the Dems voted against this and all the Repubs for. Not
> that it matters, each is as bad as the other when things are all boiled
> down.
> Steve

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