dummy M1 Garand Manufacturer address

From: The Alamo (thealamo@igb.cnr.it)
Date: Fri May 13 2005 - 03:39:55 PDT

May 13 2005

I am "recovering" from a hard disk crash: EVERYTHING lost... I am trying
to reconstruct the website bookmarks I have lost.
Anybody can give me the website of the U.S. manufacturer who makes good
(and affordable!) dummy copies of the M1 Garand rifle? They were used by
ROTC and Colour/Flag escort in USA.

It was suggested by a list member.

Thank you for any help!

If you know of any more manufacturer of dummy rifles and MG, please, let me
know: Thank you again!
Raimondo - MVPA and IMPS
1943 GPW Jeep

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