Re: [MV] Seacoat Surplus is back under a new name

From: Bruce Kalin (
Date: Fri Jun 03 2005 - 20:38:49 PDT

Well said, Dan. I second, and third everything you've said about
Charlie. You just left out thief. I guess you were trying to be nice.
I thought he fell off the planet or, someone had pushed him off.
Bruce Kalin

Dan Parmley Jr. wrote:

>Well our "friend" is back on Ebay under a new name
>"greatcollectibles4you". Guess he earned his glorious reputation with
>the Seacoast Surplus name and figured he better change it. I bid on one
>of his items and he cancelled my bid Due to "Explanation: recent BAD
>feedback for not paying with NO explanation" Granted it is his
>prerogative to sell to whom ever he wants (I will fight for his right to
>do that) it is the point that he is just an ass. I just tried to buy
>data plates from him once and he turned into a raging looney. I had
>someone else ask about the stuff he had for sale and they received the
>same rude crappy treatment. Obviously from our talk on this list a year
>or two ago about Seacoast being rude, unreliable and just plain hard to
>deal with, I thought it appropriate. I know I can just ignore him but
>anyone who is this much of mean spirited person needs to have his
>customers warned.

Bruce Kalin
East Coast Convoy Coordinator

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