Part identification on a M54A2 5Ton

From: Bruce C. Beattie (bruce@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Sun Jul 31 2005 - 20:09:54 PDT

Hi All,
    On the transmission there are two air assemblies that are
used to supply air to the transfer case for the purpose of shifting.
There is an air port on the bottom of this assembly that
has a hose attached and goes off to the rail. All part of this same system.

    Now for the 64k question.... There is an air fitting
right between the two air assemblies that points upward.

    I managed to find one picture of this that shows an air line
attached to it going across the transmission to parts unknown.
Regrettably there was no note to say what this was or where it went to,
it was just in the diagram for completeness sake.

    My guess is that it may be some kind of vent or for
fording setup, but I can't find any thing that refers to it.
Truck runs fine without it but my curiosity is getting the better of me.

Any ideas out there?


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