Forwarding for a N.O. evacuee...

Date: Thu Sep 01 2005 - 21:05:00 PDT

(I can't post this so please do so for me)
I'm currently evacuated from N.O. and I completely agree. I don't however think
it's a "southern" thing as much as a gangsta thug culture thing. Not really any
different than East LA or other riots. Which leads me to say that this isn't
even a riot, just thugs that are taking the opportunity to "own the streets."
I sure hope the "officials take the opportunity to sweep all projects and
subsidized housing for weapons.
On another subject, let me say here first; the Corps of Engineers will eat the
big one over these failed "levees." They design or aprove all construction and
maintenance and the ones that failed are miserably small. I live on the good
(dry) side of the one that is constantly shown on Fox. There has been
construction within 200 feet of the blown out part and It was only recently
finished. I think the construction area was still there, right next to the
Nameless so the thugs and engineers don't find me.


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