From: JTravis (
Date: Tue Sep 20 2005 - 20:10:55 PDT

Darrell Ramsell wrote:

> I live in the landing path of the Livermore Airport (California) about
> a mile away. There are a lot of WWII and later warbirds that fly in
> here on a regular basis. I often see I two P-51, P-40, Several T-6,
> F8F Bear cat and a AD-1 Skyraider. About once or twice a year the
> Collins B-17, B-24 and sometime B-25 come out here for shows and to
> give rides. The nice thing about being in the flight path is that I
> get to see them fly directly over my house low and slow. I
> particularly enjoy seeing the bombers, especially when they give
> rides. They'll just fly over in about 20~30 min intervals for several
> hours in the morning and afternoon. Often the other local war birds
> will join in flying in formation. Somedays I wonder what it must have
> been like southern England during WWII when you had hundreds and
> thousands of aircraft flying in and out everyday. I wish I could have
> experienced such a sight.
> Darrell

Yep, right up until the point where you suddenly realized that half
those neat old bombers were there to drop their load on your head...
And even parts that fall off the good guys that were limping home would
still hurt if you happened to be underneath when they fell. I love the
old WWII aircraft too, and have rode in the CAF B-17, but let's not
forget that the survivers do today aren't being flown in anger, and what
is "cool" now was once a lot a their friends and neighbors going off,
some of them on a one-way ride...

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