Re: gas and fuel costs

From: Joe Shannon (
Date: Sat Nov 19 2005 - 10:36:14 PST

Sonny Heath wrote:

> Thats the first I've seen of the post from Joe Shannon. Did he send
> that post to our list? hmmm wonder why I missed that,
> Okay Joe, tell me why you are the VERY FIRST I've heard from a trucker
> concerning the price of fuel? When I go in to Flying J with my sixty
> series Freightliner (my play toy) and pay a thousand dollars to fill
> it up I hear all kinds of pick up and car owners complaining about the
> high cost of fuel but when I sit in the drivers lounge or the
> restaurant I hear ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the truckers concerning the
> cost of fuel being twice what it was a short time ago.
> I say there MUST be a subsidy somehow and they have been asked to keep
> it quiet, nothing else makes sense to me.
> Sonny

I don't see a price listed here for diesel VW Rabbits and other for

I will be sure to ask for the discount the next time I go fill up I know
I will get it if not I will send Sonny to straighten them out.


/"Sirs, you have no reason to be ashamed of your Confederate dead; see to it they have no reason to be ashamed of you"/

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