Re: and those Chinese ba$tard$

From: Rick v100 (
Date: Thu Dec 15 2005 - 17:45:44 PST

Irony is being imprisioned in China for prostleizing
and then working in a state factory making Nativity
scenes. Probably happened somewhere.


--- D O <> wrote:

> I have noticed the MASSIVE influx of chinese
> products in recent years, and
> have been consciously avoiding their products for a
> long time now. I will
> say that, especially when it comes to common
> household goods (kitchen
> utensils, flashlights, auto parts, jersey gloves,
> tools, etc, just about
> anything), it is becoming more and more difficult to
> NOT buy something made
> in China. Clinton opened those flood gates when he
> was in office, by
> relaxing the trade restrictions on them. Now they
> are in full force. All I
> can say/do is to make a conscious effort to avoid
> buying those goods and to
> preach the word to those not knowing. I think my
> friends and family are
> getting sick of me slamming China, but I have opened
> some eyes in the
> process.....and now they are amazed at the volume of
> stuff made there, and
> some have even made some attempt at avoiding their
> products. Most people
> don't look at the origin of a product, they just
> shop on lowest price, and
> MAYBE consider how well it is built. Granted, if
> you tried to buy only
> goods made in the USA, you might be naked and
> without a home....but for now,
> I think China is the one to really worry about, as
> they have by far the
> largest volume of imports to here.
> Do a search, read some articles, it doesn't look
> good. China is building
> their military like crazy. China imports to the US
> are going through the
> roof. Etc, Etc. Hopefully it will all go
> peacefully, but I think we are
> still going to sacrifice our standard of living
> while they increase theirs,
> at least in the short run. In the long run (beyond
> our lifetimes), their
> standard of living will go up, so they will consume
> more, so the market will
> be bigger to sell to them, etc. But for now, we may
> be in for some growing
> pains.
> Another concern, they have 1/4 of the world's
> population, and they were
> raised to do what they were told (IMO, on communist
> nations/cultures). Tell
> me they aren't putting themselves in a very good
> position, both financially
> and strategically, to do some really BAD stuff to
> the world in their quest
> for ??????
> What bothers me the most about giving business to
> China is that it is a
> communist nation and therefore, the ones doing the
> actual work are making
> peanuts and the rest is going to the communist state
> for ???? who knows
> what. Another thing that bothers me about funding
> their nation is that if I
> were living in China, I would be jailed, or worse,
> for writing this.
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