6.2L Timing

From: cjbrunner@optonline.net
Date: Sun Dec 25 2005 - 07:34:48 PST

I'm working on figuring out how to time my 6.2 From what I have read so far, I need a meter to be able to do any precise tuning, but I have yet to find out what degree of advance or retard is recommended. I've seen folks reference EGT's for proper temperature to find out what a good advance/fuel mixture is, yet I have yet to see anyone put down any hard numbers for what those EGT's should be.

Can anyone make any suggestions as to what I should use for references while tuning? Are there numbers in "the book" for proper advance and retard specs like there are for gassers? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

On a side note, a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.


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