Re: Kansas denied ALL armored vehilce registraions, its time to do something now

From: Darrell Ramsell (
Date: Wed Jan 18 2006 - 02:11:20 PST

I forgot to mention a couple of other things.

You may want to research all the codes she quoted (K.S.A. 8-127(a), K.S.A.
8-2002(a)(3)). You may find something useful to fight back with. I would
also investigate what law gives her the authority to do what she did.

By the way, here is the e-mail address for lady who just made up the new
"Signed: Carmen Aldrett, Director of Motor Vehicles" <>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Darrell Ramsell" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Kansas denied ALL armored vehilce registraions, its time
to do something now

> To the person in Kansas.
> I have some suggestions that you may or may have not considered.
> 1. I would definitely get a lawyer. (I'm willing to make a donation for
> this).
> 2. Try to find out who her boss is and see if he is more armor friendly
> and get him to override her decision.
> 3. Find out how she got her position. If it is appointed or elected,
> then you can campaign to get her removed.
> 4. Find a state representative that is armor friendly and ask for his
> assistant to create a law allowing all historical military vehicles to be
> registered, thus it would void her letter.
> 5. Share her e-mail address with everyone so they can voice their
> complaint.
> 6. When pressing your case and you come across anyone who appears
> against it. Ask them the following questions.
> a. Tell me when was the last time a privately owned military vehicle
> was used to commit a crime?
> b. When was the last time a privately owned vehicle killed someone?
> c. When was the last time a privately owned was involved in a auto
> accident?
> I'm sure, with an exception to the last one that they will not be able to
> answer them. Why? Because people like us who own these type of vehicle
> are very aware or the destructive capabilities. We know that any such
> mishap would jeopardize our possessions of such vehicle. Because of this
> we take great care to avoid them.
> 7. Last resort, register your vehicle out of state. I'm sure that many
> on this list would be willing to help.
> Darrell
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave Thomas" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:08 PM
> Subject: [MV] Kansas denied ALL armored vehilce registraions, its time to
> do something now
>> Hi group. I am a new member and owner of a ferret. I
>> have been
>> fighting to get it licensesd here in the state of
>> Kansas. below is a
>> copy from an email composed by a fellow ferret owner
>> that has been
>> of great help to me in getting it registered. I
>> suggest you all read
>> it, as it concerns everyone with this mans decsion.
>> I have scanned copies of the letter and "policy" in
>> .pdf format that I can email you if you wish.
>> _____________________________________________________________________
>> Please read this information. The State of Kansas has
>> declared no
>> more armored vehicles may be licensed there. I have no
>> idea how this
>> will impact those already licensed - maybe they will
>> have their
>> licenses rescinded or not renewed. It is a very
>> dangerous situation
>> of other owners if this catches on in other states.
>> Ian Wallace
>> MVPA #20862
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:Ferret-
>>] On Behalf Of Ian Wallace
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 7:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Ferret-heaven] Kansas Licensing
>> The State of Kansas has provided me with a "official"
>> copy of a
>> policy declaring a Ferret, and everything else
>> armored, unfit for
>> licensing in Kansas. First the letter from Mr. Moser:
>> Dear Mr. Wallace,
>> Enclosed you will find a copy of the Director of
>> Vehicles
>> Declaration regarding the registration of privately
>> owned armored
>> military combat vehicles you requested. In view of the
>> lawful
>> declaration issued by the director, the Division of
>> Vehicles
>> considers this matter closed and no further
>> correspondence will be
>> responded to. Thank you for you interest and
>> attention.
>> Sincerely, Mathew H. Moser, Manager, Titles and
>> Registrations
>> Bureau, Division of Vehicles
>> Now we have the policy. The emphasis is mine!
>> Whereas armored military combat vehicles are not
>> manufactured or
>> intended for general transportation purposes or use by
>> the public on
>> public reads and includes: tanks, half-tracks, armored
>> personnel
>> carriers, self-propelled artillery and armored
>> anti-tank or scout
>> vehicles.
>> Whereas privately owned surplus armored military
>> combat vehicles are
>> not manufactured with proper safety equipment and pose
>> a traffic
>> hazard if operated on public roads.
>> Whereas privately owned surplus armored military
>> combat vehicles are
>> dedicated weapons of war with no private adaptable
>> civilian purpose.
>> Whereas privately owned surplus armored military
>> combat vehicles are
>> a cause of concern for law enforcement and homeland
>> security.
>> Whereas the Division of Vehicles is to exercise
>> administrative
>> functions and authority for the development of vehicle
>> registration
>> policy.
>> NOW THEREFORE pursuant to K.S.A. 8-127(a), and the
>> authority vested
>> in me as the Director of Vehicles, I declare it shall
>> be the policy
>> of the Division of Vehicles not to permit privately
>> owned surplus
>> armored military combat vehicles application for
>> registration. Any
>> operation of privately owned surplus military combat
>> vehicles on
>> public roads shall be in accordance with the
>> provisions of K.S.A. 8-
>> 2002(a)(3) and under the regulation of local
>> authorities permitting
>> or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the
>> highways.
>> I hereby direct the Titles and Registrations Bureau to
>> make
>> available copies of this policy to all county and
>> state motor
>> vehicle offices and personnel charged with the
>> administration of
>> motor vehicle registrations. This policy declaration
>> shall be filed
>> at the Titles and Registrations Bureau and is
>> effective November 18,
>> 2005.
>> Signed: Carmen Aldrett, Director of Motor Vehicles
>> Now some observations. First, Mr. Moser is getting
>> tired of the
>> pressure, and won't respond any more. Little does he
>> know that
>> others will be in contact.
>> Second, look carefully at the policy. It is Policy
>> #06-01. Perhaps
>> the Division of Motor Vehicles thinks that we are all
>> dummies, and
>> that they can pull one over on us. I am willing to bet
>> 00DC81 that
>> this policy was entered into official Kansas records
>> NO EARLIER than
>> the date that my letter requesting the written policy
>> arrived. That
>> would be around the first few days of January. Their
>> policy numbers
>> relate to 1) the year of issuance, and 2) the
>> sequential number of
>> the policy. I am positive that this policy was not
>> created back on
>> November 18th as stated in both the policy and the
>> hand written same
>> date on the policy by the Director. THERE WAS NO
>> POLICY IN 2005.
>> The language of the policy is also very disturbing.
>> Note
>> that "homeland security" is mentioned. Well, read it
>> for yourself.
>> This is a very, very dangerous policy if allowed to
>> stand. There was
>> no mention of the name of their legal advisor that I
>> asked for. I
>> guess we will have to find that out ourselves.
>> I will also post this to other military lists. Copies
>> have been sent
>> to Mr. McManus (Consumer Affairs Advocate) at Hagerty
>> Insurance and
>> the MVPA Board of Directors.
>> So now begins the fight!
>> Dave Thomas
>> fortitudine vincimus
>> "Through endurance we conquer"
>> 913-219-3179
>> 1956 Daimler Ferret
>> 02 BB 68
>> MVPA 29221
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