Re: [MVlist] Re: KEEP or LOSE our Old Iron

From: John Best (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 13:32:50 PST

Doug: I don't know if this is off topic regarding Military Vehicles
or not, I've been on this list for some time and on occasion even add
some thoughts. A little town near me started a drive to raise money
for a WW11 memorial of the brave men from there town who lost their
lives in WW11. The local paper ran a nice article . I called one of
the organizers and volunteered my Jeep as a static display or as a
means of transport for any dignitaries. The organizer I talked to
suggested using it in a parade.I told him My Jeep wasn't a WW11 Jeep
but was from that era. I have it painted up as a MB. If we collectors
of Military Vehicles or in my case look a likes volunteer the use of
our vehicles with us driving ,in parades or VFW/Vet club events,
perhaps the public will recognize the impact our vehicles had in
WW11.We need to educate the public into seeing us as just there
neighbors and not some Militant bunch of Neo/Nazis. I rave on into
the sunset.

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