Fw: Solargizers

From: claude.vannuffelen (claude.vannuffelen@wanadoo.fr)
Date: Thu Mar 23 2006 - 01:27:23 PST

Hi all,
It is dangerous to connect in parrallel lead batteries. they have very low
internal resistance and if they are not charged at the same level, it can
induce very high current from one to the other and then damage both of them.

My opinion

Claude (M1009 in france)
----- Original Message -----
From: "ygmir" <
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <mil-veh@mil-veh.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: [MV] Solargizers

> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if I can use the wonderful Solagizers I got from Gene, to
> maintain more than one battery at a time, if they are wired parallel, so
> they are still 12V?
> If so, would I hook the positive to the pos. on the first battery, and
> the neg. to the last?
> And, do they work/are they necessary, on gel batteries?
> Making sure MV content is here:
> I'd sure like to keep these batteries ready to start my MV's...........
> Also, how do you tell if they are 12 or 24V? I know they are supposed to
> sense the voltage, but, it says you can get models for each. Is it the
> size of the solar panel?
> Thanks,
> Henry
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