Re: Gas Prices/Alcohol as a solution

From: Glen Closson (
Date: Mon May 01 2006 - 13:44:40 PDT

We need to be able to recycle SPAM!

-----Original Message-----
>From: Patrick Jankowiak <>
>Sent: May 1, 2006 4:32 PM
>To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
>Subject: Re: [MV] Gas Prices/Alcohol as a solution
>Rick v100 wrote:
>> How about ripping up suburban homes that were built on
>> some of the best farmland in the country and planting
>> sugar cane or rapeseed?
>Oh yeah more eminent domain. (would be OK if the gummint were forced to pay
>twice the value of the property [as just compensation for the inconvenience
>and other expenses] instead of stealing it at gunpoint and paying 1/2 the
>value.) My house is built over an old quarry. haha.
>As Dallas and suburbs expanded over the last 30 years, many many acres of
>arable land was used to build houses.. We used to ride our bikes 10 miles
>north from Richardson and be in the country. All yuppieville now. zik-zak's
>and 7-11's.
>> Now if we are also talking about using cellulose
>> doesn't that mean paper\cardboard? What about using
>> all that worthless junk mail for something?
>A universal recycling system is definitely needed. And it should be one
>that does not place a "clean and sort" burden (noncompliance fines etc.) on
>the homeowner. (pay the local inmates $2/hr to do it?)
>At work, all recyclables are put in one bin, and the company cleans and
>sorts the recyclables.
>> All could be done if we put our minds\wallets to it.
>> Rick
>> --- Patrick Jankowiak <> wrote:
>>>My uncle the farmer told me that suger cane would
>>>grow just fine in central
>>>Texas, but for the increased water requirement. That
>>>makes it uneconomical
>>>in many cases. -and in his case as he's growing
>>>sorghum and maize, perhaps
>>>they pay better. He has cattle so that is part of it
>>>some notes from the CIA world factbook:
>>>USA arable land: 18% area
>>>USA permanent crops 0.21% area
>>>Now look upon God's bounty by which we have too much
>>>food to eat, most of
>>>it coming from that and much of the arable land is
>>>used somewhat
>>>inefficiently for beef production. Ok corn won't cut
>>>it, but cane would, if
>>>we have the water resources.
>>>But to discuss the statements below:
>>>I believe that corn gives you an output of 1.1 to 1
>>>versus input, and sugar
>>>cane gives more like 8 to 1. more labor intensive to
>>>harvest. (examine Brazil)
>>>So instead of 70%, only 9.625% of the farmland would
>>>have to be converted
>>>if cane were grown. Oh, and the illegal alien 'jobs'
>>>issue solved -let them
>>>stay to do the work, who knows, maybe one of them
>>>will invent a machine to
>>>do it better. So much for political correctness, and
>>>no I have no proof
>>>about cane's yield, heard it from an 'expert' on a
>>>talk show as well.
>>>MV wrote:
>>>>Sorry Sonny,
>>>>I was listening to the radio yesterday while
>>>driving and they had a guy
>>>>on who has done a lot of analysis of Alcohol as a
>>>motor fuel also. He
>>>>basically said that Alcohol really isn't a
>>>solution either. The energy
>>>>balance equation just doesn't work - ie amount of
>>>energy to produce
>>>>alcohol vs the amount of energy obtained from
>>>alcohol doesn't work.
>>>>He also said that if we decided to go all alcohol
>>>- and skip petro (if
>>>>this was in fact possible) we would have to
>>>convert 70% all of the
>>>>farmland in the US to raising corn. And then we
>>>would have to import
>>>>corn to feed us. His solution was to forget about
>>>Alcohol other than as
>>>>an additive to get rid of that MTBE stuff that
>>>used to be added as an
>>>>anti-knock agent, but is now being phased out.
>>>>So Sonny, I'm sorry to tell you that you are
>>>simply more screwed than
>>>>you first thought. (:-<)
>>>>Unfortunately, you are not alone.
>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>Sonny Heath wrote:
>>>>>Leave my hero alone, will ya?
>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "MV"
>>>>>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List"
>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:56 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: [MV] Gas Prices/Alcohol as a
>>>>>>The idea of using ethanol as a substitute for
>>>oil should be looked at
>>>>>>carefully. I have heard many times that the
>>>amount of energy
>>>>>>necessary to produce alcohol exceeded the energy
>>>value obtained from
>>>>>>the same amount of alcohol. I do a lot of work
>>>with a major
>>>>>>distillery and they go through a tremendous
>>>amount of coal to produce
>>>>>>ethanol for beverages. And that is after the
>>>corn and grain has been
>>>>>>planted, fertilized, harvested, and then
>>>transported to the
>>>>>>distillery - all of which consume plain diesel
>>>fuel (tractor and
>>>>>>truck fuel) and natural gas (fertilizer). They
>>>really don't care
>>>>>>though (to some extent) since coal is fairly
>>>cheap and they get big
>>>>>>bucks for a gallon of beverage alcohol. The
>>>quality standards are a
>>>>>>lot higher than vehicle alcohol.
>>>>>>Take a look at this:
>>>>>>Several different people have come to similar
>>>conclusions. Do a web
>>>>>>search - this is nothing new.
>>>>>>Indiana is pushing biofuels really hard right
>>>now. I have heard that
>>>>>>the break-even price for making ethanol from
>>>corn is $2.90/gallon
>>>>>>with government subsidies. Gee, what is gas
>>>going for now?? But
>>>>>>Indiana also grows a lot of corn and soybeans -
>>>so you should not be
>>>>>>surprised that governor Mitch (got a highway to
>>>sell) Daniels is
>>>>>>pushing that.
>>>>>>We have a huge amount of coal in this country -
>>>250 years worth the
>>>>>>last I heard. I think it is time we start using
>>>some of those
>>>>>>resources to produce petro products.
>>>>>>Of course if we start doing that I'm sure that
>>>George got-gas? Bush,
>>>>>>and Dick - I got a gun - Cheney will put Exxon
>>>on the job so they
>>>>>>can make sure that we pay the proper price.
>>>Perhaps Haliburton can
>>>>>>help also?
>>>>>>Sooner or later we are going to have to electn
>>>some politicians that
>>>>>>do what is good for the people - not what is
>>>good for big oil, corn
>>>>>>growers, auto companies, Saudi Arabia, Casino
>>>operators, etc. Until
>>>>>>then - we are our own worst enemy.
>>>>>>We are operating under the golden rule now-
>>>those that have the gold,
>>>>>>With a thirsty M-51 gasser with empty tanks.
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