Starter Saga Part 2

From: Ed (
Date: Thu May 04 2006 - 19:51:21 PDT

OK here we go with today's trials and tribulations. I had my M-1009 towed
to a shop where the owner and I are best friends so I could work on the
beast myself. I pulled the brand new, not rebuilt, brand new military issue
starter and found some liquid had dripped from the body and hardened, not
too good so far! I sent it off for a check out and repair. Amazingly
enough all that was wrong was the Bendix which they replaced and bench
checked the unit, it was pronounced good to go! $35.00 spent so far.

While it was at the shop I went through the wiring and found four fused
wires running from the firewall area to the positive buss in the engine
compartment on the passengers side. I cut and spliced the wiring from below
the fused links up to the buss bar, installed end connectors, tightened
everything up and started to reconnect the battery cables, I had removed all
four "just in case"! I tightened all by hand except the negative at the
front of the front battery. I had one of the Mechanics stand by to connect
it while I tried a start. All lights came on as normal, waited for the wait
light to go out and turned the key, NOTHING! No clicks, no spinning Bendix
and no smoke, nothing! I checked the power coming from the batteries into
the buss bar and had over 24 VDC so power is there.

At this point we ran out of time and had to leave for the day. Both of us
are Members of our Local Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department and had to go to
our weekly meeting.

I'm thinking that in the morning I will have to remove that entire wire
bundle and replace it with new wiring from start to finish?? Any thoughts
before I do that?? BTW we are going back in with a GM type relay because
after going to three parts stores, getting no response from any of the
idiots working there I was fed up with wasting time and went with the part
number that a fellow lister gave me for the GM replacement relay, NAPA AR
135 is the part number that I am trying but it has an extra blade that
doesn't match up with the plug. The plug has a blank where the extra blade
is in the AR 135, is this the correct starter relay replacement or is this
the problem? I'd sure like to find out before I tackle replacing that wire

Best Regards,


"The consolidation of the States into one vast empire, sure to be
aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain
precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it."

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