Military Vehicles, February 1997,: Early trailers

Early trailers

Gordon.W.I. McMillan (
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 14:55:26 -0000

Now that a VC Dodge is on the horizon (a 39/40 VC3 pickup) I need to
find a trailer for it.

All the appropriate US trailers I've seen were 1/2 ton Jeep trailers or
1 ton Ben-Hur types, my question is when were they introduced, and
would they be appropriate behind a 39/40 Dodge, or does anyone know of
the trailers towed 39/40? It would be too much to ask for someone to
have an early trailer for sale I suppose? and it would have to be
noticably different as I alrady have a '42 Ben Hur and can get an
ordinary Jeep trailer without too much effort. Anyone have any marking
schemes for a VC3 in the US in 1940?

T.I.A. Gordon, Gorinchem, Holland. 8-)