Military Vehicles, March 1997,: military paint (WWII)

military paint (WWII)

. (
Fri, 7 Mar 1997 18:16:52 -0600

I have a few questions regarding paint used in MV in WWII. I have seen =
a few photos of WLA motorcycles (in magazines and the Internet) and =
there seems to be an inconsistency in the shade of green (olive drab). =
Is this normal? I understand that the problem may be bad renderings of =
color in the printing process or compression as in the case of the =
Internet. Also, I am interested in obtaining a military bike and =
wondering if any WLA motorbikes were used in desert combat? The reason I =
ask is because when I do find the bike I'm looking for, would I have the =
choice of painting it olive drab or buff and the motorcycle still be =
considered original. I would appreciate any comments. I'm new to MVs but =
have always had an interest.
Thanks. David Cron Spfd., Mo