Military-Vehicles: [MV]Re: Emails

[MV]Re: Emails

Pat Patterson (
Mon, 08 Sep 1997 19:04:50 -0700

>When you write emails use the carriage return
>(ENTER or RETURN) key so as to limit the width
>of your mails.

>There are probably a lot of this type of email
>that goes unread because it is written in
>this fashion - deleted instead?

>Don't feel like the lone ranger as you are not
>the only one on the list doing this.



2 things
first I apologize for committing said crime ( if I have ), As my mail
program "word wraps"
both incoming and outgoing mail I have never noticed whether or not I do this.

second what email program are you using that it doesn't word wrap? I do not
know of any! (not a really big surprise)
Pat Patterson
'52 M38 CDN "Box 'o' Jeep"
'78 F150
'79 Bronco

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